How to deadlift without back pain

How to deadlift without back pain

Author: Michael Hobbs

Here we run through some exercise progressions where we teach you the basics on how to deadlift without getting back pain. When done properly, deadlifts should not cause back pain. It can actually be a fantastic exercise for strengthening your legs and back, and for bulletproofing your back against injury. Learning to deadlift safely and effectively is actually often part of a rehabilitation program after a back injury. If you are recovering from a back injury, and you still don't know how to deadlift safely, there may be more rehab you need to do. If you have any questions, or if you would like your form properly assessed by us in our clinic gym, don't hesitate to reach out to us anytime.


1. Hip hinging with dowel/broomstick

2. Deadlift to knees

3. Deadlift from floor

4. Single-leg deadlift

5. Kettlebell swing

Date Published: 17 January 2022

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